Healthy menu Fit Mama 1500 kcal -An example diet for weight loss of 1500 kcal
* 4 meals for the day with calculated calorie intake
* 4 recipes and a way to prepare each meal
* Weight of all products
The basics of healthy eating through a properly constructed regimen in order to reduce weight at the expense of fat and preserve muscle. Healthy menu Fit Mama 1500kcal is suitable for people who want to see what a fitness menu would look like with the goal of fat loss.
For what period can a healthy Fit Mama 1500kcal menu be followed?
The regime can be followed for an unlimited period of time, but if followed for more than a month, there will be a stagnation in the results, due to the adaptation of the body to this way of eating. You are free to improvise with different recipes that you like.
*The important thing is to keep the ratio of ingredients and weights in each meal!
*It is good to have one energizing meal on the 21st day of the menu instead of one of the meals on the menu.
Is it individual or universal?
The diet is UNIVERSAL. This is a basic fitness menu and aims to give the basics of healthy eating and how to properly combine foods for WEIGHT LOSS.
"I am often asked - but is this all I should eat? Yes - years of experience working with women aiming for body reconstruction (not just weight loss), as well as my own as a European Bikini Fitness Champion, I have come to the conclusion that a simple menu leads to great results. Body reconstruction means a toned body with more muscle than fat, or simply put, a toned and toned body. The kind that over 99% of women aim for. You probably are too, as you read these lines.”
So, if the Fit Mama 1500kcal healthy menu seems monotonous at first glance, know that you are on the right track and I am just giving you a chance to step into the shoes of the real professionals, the bodies you admire.
When purchasing the program 👉 “BRAZILIAN BUTT AT HOME“you get the mode for free.
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